Thursday, 9 February 2012

a l0t of st0ries in a day

assalamualaikum frens^_^
hari niey bersmaan ari ke-2 aq msyuk kls..
a lot of things happenned..
bngun pg2 jew,aq daa msyuk t0ilet 2x..
pas2,ciap2 mndy aq g ir0n bju..
ari niey,smgt nk g kls amat lh berk0bar2..mcm xpenah msyuk kls lak..huhuhu
ari niey kls aq stat kul 10..kul 9.15 aq daa kuar daa..
besa laa first class of da day,i sh0uld be as early as i can,right???
smpai2 jew kt dpn kls..n0 one i t0o early???hehehe
my first class was class 4 revelati0n as a s0urce of 'kn'..
my first impression,okei laa! not bad..lcturer p0wn okei..lucu p0wn ade..i like!
2nd class was after zuhur prayer-class 4 intr0 to mass c0mm..
lecturer aq yg niey agk strict but friendly n nice..
kls aq yg niey byk d'c0nquer oleh seni0r last year,4th and 3th year..
1st year like me bleh d'kira ngan jari jew..
pas abis kls c0mm,aq ngan kwn aq g dept 2 add m0re sbjek..
byk ag yg xckup..alhmdulillah dpt..
utk meraikn k'jyaan m'cukupkn contact h0ur,aq ngan kwn aq
g bli pin tdung..hahhaaaa..sweet sgt pin tue..asssyikkk!!!
my last class 4 2day was class 4 international relation{IR}
best sgt msyuk kls tue td,i met many m0re people from k0rea,nigeria 
n s0 many m0re..nice 2 meet all of 'em..they r s0 friendly n talkative..
okei d0ne!! overall,t0day run sm00thly..alhmdulillah^_^

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