Wednesday, 29 February 2012

pre-induction caklempong

assalamualaikum sodiqati wa sodiqi
kaifa hal???masaahal khoir??
daa lme asa x post entry..urmm,aq kn org penting..(penting laa sgt..kui3x!)
bkn sengaja utk aq berbuat sebegitu rupa..k0wg pown taw kn..
sbg s'org pelajar..kekangan masa amat2 laa menghimpit diri..
dgn aseimen berlambak mcm ikan kt pasar,dgn kls yg xhenti2 melambai kearah aq..
and mcm2 ag nk sruh aq menti0n sebijik2, smpai es0k lusa p0wn xhabis..
s0,utk menjimatkn msa yg sum0 org taw ttg pentingnya msa itu kn..we skip tt,okei!
skunk,let we just focus on one important event happenned 2 me last night..
just one that i can mentioned, wonderful! i like it!
time pre-induction nie,xdew laa bnde penting sgt yg kt0wg bincangkn..
just like taaruf among seniors and juniors of caklempong..we made an ice breaking among us..
of coz,2 get 2 know more..urmm,let me tell u 0uls from da beginning..
actually, i was a new members of caklempong..s0, no wonder laa i don't know da exact place
but alhamdulillah i met a beautiful sis at that night..she took me to the place that i asked..
fortunately, she was actually the senior of the caklempong..coincident right???hahaha..
in the gathering,i have been asked 2 introduce myself,my name of coz,where d0 i live,why i want 2 involved in caklempong and so many more..from there, i also have been exposed to the history of caklempong, rules and regulation and so first impression over this club, i can see the happiness and friendly manner among the members..alhmdulillah..i hope it will last forever..ameen..0ne nice memory of all^_^

Monday, 20 February 2012

bahasamu bahasaku jua

assalamualaikum everyone..kaifa hal???
urmm,sedar xsedar..daa 3 mggu da aq kt cnie..cpt giler msa berlalu..
penat mengalahkn asa PM pown xpenat cam gnie..hahaa..hiperbola laa plak..
hheeheeee..bukan ape k0wg..w/pown kls aq xfull mcm kls owg laen tp...
tp ape????tp,itu die!!! not me..urmm..pape jew laa..btw,lmbt ke cpt kew,
i hv 2 adapt 2 this kind of situation right???it'z okei gurl,u can do it!
bertambah sedikit subjek aq untuk sem niey..
PA,IR,PSYC,Mass Comm,BM,Fardhu Ain n Rasok..aik! niey bkn kategori sedikit niey..
urmmm,pengumunan2!!! k0wg nk taw biter gumbira x..elek r k0wg! sabar eh..meh! aq citer..
skunk niey,aq msuk kls BM sbg rakyat Malaysia yg sejati berasa begitu bangga..
tp,k0wg jgn laa slh phm was not like BM tt we take
 in our primary or secondary school or what so ever,tp,entah lh..bhs melayu kacukan k0t..
melayu ade,sejarah p0wn ade..jadik! utk menghadapi keadaan genting itu..
aq start mempraktikkan bhs melayu aq bersme teman2 tercinta..
k0wg phm2 sendiri laa kn..apabila org melayu mcm aq belajar bhs melayu bersme2 teman2 melayuku..
maka,tidak berapa lama lagi aq akn jd anak jati melayu..kowg bila lg???
eeeh,ter"excited" laa,begitu laa..apabila buku bhs melayu dibukak kembali..
aq merasakn aq kini kembali ke jaman mudaku lg..
0wwhhh! rupa2nya aq msih muda n for sure lg muda dr k0wg..jgn jeles ya!
tp,tue laa kn..asa best sgt blaja blek bhs ibunda nie..k0wg msti rsa mcm aq rsa kn..begitu laa..hahahaa
k0wg perasan x,aq byk menggunakn bhs baku dlm entri aq kali nie..
haaaaa!!! nie laa salah 1 cra aq nk mempraktikkan bhs melayu aq..
kpd sesapa yg nk berguru tue,bleh jew..meh cnie..jgn malu jgn segan..
"main hoon na" or dlm erti kata laen..i'm here for you k!..
hehehee...k laa k0wg..melebih-lebih plak ya..hahahaa..papai! luv u 0uls

Friday, 10 February 2012

mAniSnya seceBis kEnAngAn

assalamualaikum kowg
xbest r duk blik s0wg2 niey..b0wink giler..xgitu???
tp baguih gak r time b0wink2 aq terkenang2 peristiwa yg terjd dlm idup bru2 niey..
b4 this kn aq daa gtw k0wg yg aq akn bercuti pnjg 3 mggu
i meant cuti sem..byk giler kngn mnis dan xbrape mnis tlh tercipta..
first thing is, aq dpt anak sdare bru aka ank sdare pertama aq..
c0mey sgt ank sdare aq niey..dh laa kecik,cute plak tue..
cyunk giler nk tinggalkn die tp apakn kn student..
terpakse ah blek cmpus blek..enth kapan aq bisa blek kg lg..huhuhu
next thing is aq daa pndai naek m0to daa..rsa bngga sgt time tue..
yer ah! sblm nie aq brani naek m0to keliling umah jew tp,
ari tue,aq daa bleh bwk m0to kt ats jln bsr..ilang sum0
ketakutan nk naek m0to time tue..dan yg jd,pr0blemnye..
d'sbbkn aq da pndai naek m0to,aq bwk m0to g jabatan pendaftaran
negara(JPN)..jauh tue!!! brani kn aq..blek2 jew,
kne mrh kt mak aq..ape idaknye,aq pegi sne xgtw mak aq p0wn..
jaat aka bertuahkn aq niey..yer ah,klau aq gtw mak aq..
sure mak aq xkasi punyer aq pegi tempt sejauh tue..
mak aq mrh kjap jew pastue okei daa..hheheeeee
and da last one,i g0t my examinati0n result..
alhmdulillah,i'm igt ag..mlm tue aq nerv0us sgt..xleh nk td0w..
time tue jam da nk msuk kul 2 pg..xleh jadik nieyh..
aq p0wn amek b/band abg aq..twus jew aq bkak aq punyer portal..
msukkn n0 mtrix and pswd..dup dap dup asa time tue..
b4 aq tkan examination result tue,aq slwt 2 3 kali gk r..nerv0us punyer psai..
bkak2 jew..alhmdulillah..i g0t it well! thank a l0t 2 Allah s.w.t n evry1 ar0und me..
they help me a all of 'em^_^

Thursday, 9 February 2012

a l0t of st0ries in a day

assalamualaikum frens^_^
hari niey bersmaan ari ke-2 aq msyuk kls..
a lot of things happenned..
bngun pg2 jew,aq daa msyuk t0ilet 2x..
pas2,ciap2 mndy aq g ir0n bju..
ari niey,smgt nk g kls amat lh berk0bar2..mcm xpenah msyuk kls lak..huhuhu
ari niey kls aq stat kul 10..kul 9.15 aq daa kuar daa..
besa laa first class of da day,i sh0uld be as early as i can,right???
smpai2 jew kt dpn kls..n0 one i t0o early???hehehe
my first class was class 4 revelati0n as a s0urce of 'kn'..
my first impression,okei laa! not bad..lcturer p0wn okei..lucu p0wn ade..i like!
2nd class was after zuhur prayer-class 4 intr0 to mass c0mm..
lecturer aq yg niey agk strict but friendly n nice..
kls aq yg niey byk d'c0nquer oleh seni0r last year,4th and 3th year..
1st year like me bleh d'kira ngan jari jew..
pas abis kls c0mm,aq ngan kwn aq g dept 2 add m0re sbjek..
byk ag yg xckup..alhmdulillah dpt..
utk meraikn k'jyaan m'cukupkn contact h0ur,aq ngan kwn aq
g bli pin tdung..hahhaaaa..sweet sgt pin tue..asssyikkk!!!
my last class 4 2day was class 4 international relation{IR}
best sgt msyuk kls tue td,i met many m0re people from k0rea,nigeria 
n s0 many m0re..nice 2 meet all of 'em..they r s0 friendly n talkative..
okei d0ne!! overall,t0day run sm00thly..alhmdulillah^_^

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

smth 2 say...

assalamualaikum kowg..ari nie bermula lg perjlananku sbg s'org student..
aq daa pegi kls tp lcturer xnk msyuk xslh..hehehe
bguih laa aq niey kn..hahhaa..bgus ape..sem bru smgt p0wn msti laa
ari nie kls aq ade 2 jew..mse yg s'lbehnye aq g settlekn ape yg xsettle lg..
s0 many thing 2 do on a first day..huhuhu.."tengci0n" p0wn ade..
i felt like t0day i became a "PM"..t0o busy..hehehee..
pegi citu pegi cinie..xberenti2..penat2..cian kt kakiku..
sbr ye kaki..kjap jew 2..es0k2 okei laa 2..
be str0ng like a james b0nd k!!!
aja2 fighting..
w/p0wn skunk aq da msyuk sem,still byk lg tempt yg aq x c0nquer..
td p0wn still penin2 ag nk cri kls..kls 0oo kls..
xpew2!!! byk ag mse..elek2x!!!take it sl0w k..
gambate kudasai! believe in urselves..u can d0 it!!
0kei next!
what should u d0 now gurl????
haaaaa taw xpew..prepare ur heart n brain 2 gain m0re kn0wledge..
bak kata Jesse Jackson:
"if my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it, I know tt i can achieve it..d0wn with dope! up with hope! I am somebody!"